Alex Da Corte is still one of the most alluring and stunning artists I’ve ever seen. It’s something about his art that’s so attention-grabbing that it’s almost like eye candy. Simply because of Alex’s use of dazzling and vivid colors throughout his projects. Plus, you can’t forget to mention his application of various different pop-culture characters’ and costumes. At times I wonder what goes through artists like Alex Da Corte’s mind, but luckily he did an interview with the that gives insight into his thought process.
Reading this article you can really tell how outlandish and bizarre his thinking process is, which makes sense knowing how out of the box his artwork is. Towards the end of his answer to the first question, Da Corte tries to slip in the fact that he’s boiling shampoo. Gladly, the interviewer picked up on that and proceeded to ask him about it. He then went on to explain and call attention to how we view soda to be well behaved as long as it is in its can, bordered from the outside, but as soon as you release it, it’s different. So he keeps spilling distinct substances like soda and shampoo to continue ‘behaving badly.’ I began to really appreciate what goes through his brain, especially as an artist. It’s amazing to see how someone can come up with something so profound about liquids in a container.
Link to the article:

On stage, an artist dressed as Carroll Spinney (Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch on "Sesame Street"). Da Corte's meticulous attention to detail stems from his ability to keep everything on screen as real and realistic as possible.