Alex Da Corte continuously throws my mind for a loop every time I am admiring numerous of his marvelous and brilliant projects he’s curated. I instantly became a fan of his work at first glance. A great deal of the time when I am browsing for new artists to look into, I rarely discover any art pieces that are very eye-catching or remarkable for me, but Da Corte’s projects were something special.
In Da Corte’s first solo exhibition in L.A., he justifies that notion in a project titled ‘A Man Full of Trouble.’ It’s an interactive and amazing world he creates inside Maccarone's galleries it’s inspired by the pre-revolutionary war tavern, which is located in the heart of Philadelphia's historic district. The installations often feature recognizable commercial items, but in this installment, a wall-to-wall carpet printed with the final scene of the 1963 Stanley Kramer comedy It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, and when craziness peaks characters gaze at the camera befuddled.
We, as the viewer, have been taught to identify ourselves by material possessions, but we feel tempted to deviate from that direction in order to visit a foreign land followed by familiar objects. Each one necessitating a complete circle around its fluctuated shape in order to preserve fluidity and appeal, and is left open-ended for the observer. In Da Corte's arrangement, he ushers you down a road of storytelling that is paved with doses of strength, identity, appetite, and memory. This exhibition is just one of my projects that was curated by Alex.

“A Man in Trouble” is the title of the installation. Courtesy of the artist and Maccarone, New York/Los Angeles.