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  • abates144

Speculative Everything: ppg. 1-9

I agree that being speculative about everything in our society would inevitably help. It would not hurt to point your mind in new directions for more promising discoveries. In my mind, it sounds like that could only benefit us. But I fear socially and politically, that it feels impossible. There is an outstanding number of people hellbent on holding us back. Unfortunately, we live in a bigoted, capitalistic, and oppressive society that only cares about control. There are so many problems in the entire world, not just in America, but for some reason, it feels like people just want to sweep it under the rug and dodge change. On the other hand, in creative fields, I do not have to question if people will push boundaries there. Having a speculative mindset undoubtedly feels like a good way to design things. It will help me open my mind to new design possibilities, step out of my artistic comfort zone, and take some calculated risks. 

Anthony Dunne, and Fiona Raby. Speculative Everything : Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. The MIT Press, 2013. EBSCOhost,

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